Townsville Running Festival

Posted on: Jul 31st, 2019 by adminva | Categories: Uncategorized

Are you mentally Fit to Run?

Townsville Running Festival is fast approaching! There is that bundle of nervousness and excitement as you may strive to run a distance you have never run before or smash that PB you have been training so hard for.

As a physiotherapist and runner myself, I understand firsthand the importance of having a focused mind on race day. It is important to train your mental fitness as well as your physical fitness.

Below are some tips which I would like you to focus on prior to race day:

  1. First of all, I want you to think about why you are competing? This is your Focus.
  2. Reflect on your Preparation – You have put in the hard work. This is a huge component of racing – the journey of training,  putting in the time, hard work, sacrifice and staying injury free. So be proud of yourself for that, relax, trust and have fun!
  3. Leading me into the next principle; remember you are doing this because you love to run! Don’t lose sight of this amongst the anxiety to do well. Enjoy the moment.

To do the above three tips, you need to take time to digest what you are feeling.

My professional advice is;

  1. 10 – 15 minute walk or on an easy, slow run reflecting on principles like the above
  2. 10 minute meditation – centring your breath to centre your mind from doubts. You could have a mantra that addresses the fear of the race eg. I believe in myself. I have put in the hard work. I am determined.
  3. Remember to breathe and smile! Enjoy the moment. There are only positives to come from your race – understand there is going to be failure but you and only you can get to the finish line. You will learn and understand yourself better even if you don’t quite achieve your goal.
  4. Think about the support, being part of something, excitement of racing others and being there with all the other athletes.

You’ve got this – be calm and focus.

Goodluck to all the runners taking on Townsville Running Festival – See you there!

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Physiotherapy Townsville - The Physio Movement


     517 Flinders Street
Townsville City Qld 4810
     1300 TPM FIT or 4740 4516
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