Pelvic​ ​​Pain​ ​during ​Pregnancy​ | TPM Physiotherapy

Posted on: Sep 25th, 2017 by The Physio Movement | Categories: Sports Medicine & Nutrition

Pelvic Pain and Pregnancy

How can Physiotherapy assist Pelvic pain during Pregnancy?

Pelvic​ ​Pain – how to alleviate it?

During pregnancy hormones soften the connective tissue causing the body’s ligaments to stretch. This allows the pelvic joints to stretch in preparation for the pelvis to open slightly during labour. Due to this excess movement, it can cause inflammation in these joints thus resulting in pelvic pain. This is something TPM Women’s health Physiotherapy specialise within.

Our list of strategies​ ​to​ ​decrease​ ​your​ ​strain​ ​on​ ​your​ ​pelvic joints​ ​and​ ​keep​ ​your​ ​pelvis​ ​and​ ​spine​ ​aligned: This​ ​is​ ​an​ ​extensive​ ​list​ ​so​ ​trial​ ​what​ ​works​ ​for​ ​you!

● Use ice over the painful area for 20 minutes as necessary to help reduce inflammation and pain.

● Use heat over the gluteal and lower back for 10-15 minutes daily to reduce muscle spasms associated with the pain (make sure it isn’t too hot over your back).

● Use compression underwear or a pelvic joint compression belt for standing, walking and in bed if helps to reduce your pain (maternity options for this)

● Sleep with pillows between your knees if lying on your side is comfortable, or lie on your back with pillows under your knees.

● To move across the bed, keep your feet and knees at hips width apart, push down through your heels as you lift your bottom up and across a little. Do this prior to rolling to allow enough room.

● To get out of bed roll onto your side, keeping pelvis in a neutral position.

● Sitting​ ​Posture-​ ​Use a small rolled towel in the curve of your lower back, a footstool, and have your bottom back in the chair as far as possible.

● Standing​ ​Posture-​ ​Keep your weight even over both legs. Don’t let your hips slide forward or over arch your back.

● When sitting from standing or standing to sitting keep equal weight on both legs, poke your bottom out and sit down – maintaining the curve in your low back.

● Reduce Heavy lifting and make sure you bend your hips and knees, keeping the curve in your lower back. Keep loads close to your body, and move heavier objects and awkward lifts in stages.

● Sit down when putting on your clothes or shoes

● When walking, take smaller steps, change directions gradually and wear supportive shoes

● Divide tasks up, take rests frequently and stop before your pain increases

● Ask for help with house work if it is causing you pain!

● Remember to keep symmetrical, move smoothly and always keep breathing!



Exercises to assist with Pelvic pain in Pregnancy

  • Cat/Cow:​ ​Complete daily both in the morning and afternoon to improve the flexibility of muscles and joints which have stiffened up due to pain. Breath through the exercise 5-10 x Take it slow with breath.
  • Pelvic​ ​Tilts:​ ​Tilt​ ​pelvis​ ​forward​ ​and​ ​back.​ C​omplete daily – This can be done anytime throughout the day standing or seated. Do 15-20 x at a time.
  • Bridging:​ ​Remember to tilt your pelvis up first. 3 x 6 Pelvic​ ​Floor​ ​Muscle​ ​Exercises​ ​in the​ ​above​ ​starting​ ​position-​ ​x 10 Hold 3 secs, Hold 10 s x 3, x 5 hard, fast contractions (BREATHING)

These are generalised guidelines to assist with your pain. If you are still experiencing difficulties after completing TPMs top tips for Pelvic pain and exercises, an individualised approach may be warranted.

This will involve a one on one consult with a Women’s Health Physiotherapist to assess your musculoskeletal profile – Book Now

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The Physio Movement
Physiotherapy Townsville - The Physio Movement


     517 Flinders Street
Townsville City Qld 4810
     1300 TPM FIT or 4740 4516
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