How can a Physiotherapist assist NDIS patients?

Posted on: Jun 22nd, 2017 by The Physio Movement | Categories: NDIS, Uncategorized

At The Physio Movement our Physiotherapists can assist our NDIS patients with everyday activities such as:

  • Getting out of bed in the morning
  • Taking and bath or shower, getting dressed or eating
  • Moving around the home
  • Hobbies/activities
  • Managing pain or chronic conditions

Physiotherapists can put a plan into place to assist you now and into the future.

Physiotherapy helps improve your balance, coordination and strength through tailored Physical Therapy, exercises and informed advice. Our specialised therapists work closely with you to help you meet your movement, mobility needs and gross motor goals.

They can also assist you with:

  • Coordination, strength and flexibility
  • Selection, assessment and prescriptions for mobility equipment, such as  a wheelchair, walker or standing frame
  • Exercises to improve your posture and help control your movement
  • Reaching age-appropriate milestones such as running, hopping and riding a bike
  • Respiratory interventions, including exercises and equipment prescription
  • Assessments and comprehensive reports with recommendations
  • Training programs for parent/guardian, carer/support workers and educational staff

See Lucy’s story…


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The Physio Movement
Physiotherapy Townsville - The Physio Movement


     517 Flinders Street
Townsville City Qld 4810
     1300 TPM FIT or 4740 4516
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